“The Hunting Ground,” a critically acclaimed documentary that explores sexual assault on college campuses, will be screened at 6:30 p.m. on Monday in the East Hampton Library’s Baldwin Family Lecture Room.
Sponsored by the Town of East Hampton’s Department of Human Services and the Library — in conjunction with the East Hampton High School, iTri and the East Hampton Town Police Department — the showing of the 45-minute, high school edition will be followed by a panel discussion led by professionals from The Retreat, Family Service League and the town’s Police Department.
The film features interviews with students, parents, faculty, police, and administrators, as well as a rock ballad by Lady Gaga entitled “Till It Happens to You.” One in five women are sexually assaulted in college, the film says.
“Sexual assault is a national issue that seriously threatens our young people’s safety and well-being,” said Councilwoman Kathee Burke-Gonzalez. “Through the viewing of this film, our community will gain a clearer understanding of sexual assault, its impact on our young people and how we can empower them to stay safe and make smart choices.”
Community member can register for the event by contacting the East Hampton Library, at (631) 324-0222, extension 3.