SoMAS Southampton East End Lecture Series - On Zoom! - 27 East


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SoMAS Southampton East End Lecture Series - On Zoom!


On Wednesday, October 7th at 7:00 PM, Ana Širović of Texas A&M Galveston - Corpus Christi will present a lecture titled: “Blue Whale Acoustics, Behavior, and Ecology” on Zoom at the following link:

The abstract of the talk appears below. We hope to see you on Zoom!

Blue whales are the largest animal that ever lived on our planet. They are also among the loudest, most vocal animals, which makes them great subjects for study using acoustic methods. In this seminar, I will give an overview of the new discoveries we have been making into the behavior and ecology of blue whales by listening to their calls using long-term recordings and animal-borne tags. In the end, I will also touch on the ways we are using acoustics to develop new tools to aid in the conservation of this endangered species.


Wed, Oct 7, 2020 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM


  • Online on Zoom!

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