Clean And Green - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1728760

Clean And Green

When designing the park abutting Bialsky Towers [“Sag Harbor Hopes To Undertake Initial Improvements To Steinbeck Park,”, September 30], I urge Sag Harbor Village officials to give us a calm, clean, green sward that resembles a “village green,” a concept deeply embedded in American landscaping — not an over-designed frill of a place.

Let us have a few trees that will gracefully grow with age and provide shade, and a cluster or two of low bushes, and the whole area dotted with a few simple benches and picnic tables for sitting, eating, relaxing. That will coordinate nicely with the uncomplicated layout and landscaping of Marine Park, as well as provide ample space for residents and visitors to enjoy visually as they come over the bridge, and to walk, and stop in.

Central Park is renowned in part not because it is landscaped to within an inch of its life, but because there is so much open green space. Most actual residents of the village do not have large lots.

A clean, green sward that pleases the eyes is what the village needs now.

Lorraine Dusky

Sag Harbor