Forbidden Use - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1691062

Forbidden Use

Among the recreational outlets that our new early season neighbors have chosen is the motorized cycle, and off-road trails are an inviting playground.

What many of these cool-weather enthusiasts may not know is that on officially designated trails, this use is forbidden. This is understandable, because most roadside trail openings do not include signage spelling out acceptable uses.

Some of the new users are polite and appear to respect the presence of hikers. But they may not be aware that their use of the trails can create ruts and other disturbance that undoes the work of the volunteers who create and maintain most of the area’s trails.

ATV use there has been a longstanding issue in this regard, and the general local failure to enforce against that activity is extending to the new, if less-noxious, crowd.

We hear many appeals now to community values and looking out for others. Let’s extend such concern to our backwoods.

Tim Ferguson

Water Mill