Fundamental Truth - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1834200
Nov 9, 2021

Fundamental Truth

On November 6, Bryan Polite, the chairman of the Shinnecock National Council of Trustees, was the featured speaker at the Southampton Democratic Club’s monthly meeting. He talked about several of the Shinnecock Nation’s priorities.

He also recognized that the current Town Board has done more to open up lines of communication between the town and the nation than in the past. It was reassuring to hear Supervisor Jay Schneiderman, Town Board member Tommy John Schiavoni and Chairman Polite each say that one of their priorities is to continue to build positive relationships.

Several of Chairman Polite’s statements stuck with me. One that I think bears repeating: “Just because we can recognize injustice does not take away from the greatness of America.”

Amidst all of the political arguments that fill the airwaves, the fact that a spokesperson for a group which arguably has been treated unjustly over the years would voice this fundamental truth about our country should be taken to heart by us all.

Grania Brolin

Water Mill