It Stinks - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2232729
Feb 19, 2024

It Stinks

With regard to the article about the dump site on Majors Path to Straight Path in North Sea [“Town of Southampton on Losing End of State Supreme Court Ruling on Controversial 2020 ZBA Decision,”, February 9]: I can state without a doubt that trucks offload waste material at the Straight Path entrance all the time. The odors — or, rather, the stench — that emanates from that site is overwhelming. I often have to hold my nose as I pass.

In the summer, the odors smell like a mixture of dead fish (fish heads noted in the article) and horse manure. It is hideous.

I wonder how people whose homes abut this active dump — let’s call it what it truly is — can stand it. Anything would be better on that site, even a 120-unit condo development.

Holly Hodder

North Sea