Heard My Point - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1227176

Heard My Point

Heard My PointAt the Town Board meeting on Tuesday, April 30, I addressed the Town Board during the public comment section. Although the supervisor and the three Democratic Town Council members appeared to look past me, they must have heard me. They now realize that taxes and assessments impact people’s finances [“Supervisor Announces Plan To Freeze Tax Assessments For Two Years To Study Process,” 27east.com, May 6].

Although, the supervisor has difficulty pronouncing my last name—Robins—I am certain he appreciates my efforts for the citizens who pay the bills.

As the campaign unfolds, I will continue to educate the supervisor on the real Southampton, outside his privileged circle.

Greg RobinsSouthamptonMr. Robins is the Republican Party candidate for Southampton Town supervisor—Ed.