The credit card surcharge has crept into daily life like rust on a tractor — appearing so slowly that customers hardly notice it until it is, seemingly, all over. The little signs on cash registers announcing, or acknowledging, that a surcharge of up to 4 percent will be added to the price of any transaction that is paid for with a credit card bother some consumers more than others, but everyone has noticed them. The ...
The house fire in August 2022 that killed two young women in Noyac is a terrible tragedy for everyone involved — there’s no ignoring that,...
It was H.L. Mencken who famously quipped: “For every complex problem there is a solution which is clear, simple and wrong.” Perhaps Bill Hillman’s recent trip down memory lane surrounding the “lost opportunity” of a Sunrise Highway extension as our “simple solution” of today’s traffic nightmare [“Traffic Solutions Face a Daunting Opponent on South Fork: Residents,”, August 14] would prompt your editors to release a 50-year anniversary recap of this grandiose plan? After all, the clear evidence of mitigating...
After the two-week period during which the Southampton Town Board agreed to consider the Canal BESS applicant’s plea not to be considered in the extended battery energy storage system moratorium, two letters were sent to the board concerning the decision and timing of the plea. Requested also was confirmation of public comments by the BESS advisory committee that no BESS installation would be in a residential area. No answer. Now we learn that the Shinnecock Nation sovereignty is making a...
There was plenty of sailing to be had this past weekend at Westhampton Yacht Squadron ....
Read More Southampton SportsEast Hampton first-year head coach Pablo Montesi said if there’s anything his girls tennis team ...
Read More East Hampton SportsDawgpatch Bandits, a nonprofit founded by Drew Harvey of Sag Harbor that performs difficult physical ...
Read More Sag Harbor SportsGrowing up in Sag Harbor, writer Kim Liao always felt, as she put it, “ambivalent” about her…