A Flawed Survey - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1538732

A Flawed Survey

This survey originated in the congressman’s office, not an outside accredited polling organization. Since Mr. Zeldin is a zealous Trump supporter, that alone likely biases the results in favor of a “no” conclusion. For an accurate assessment, Mr. Zeldin’s office should have hired an independent, professional polling organization, such as New York’s Marist Poll.

Mr. Zeldin’s poll is being taken very early. Marist, in conjunction with NPR and the PBS “News Hour,” conducted a national poll on September 25 in which it was revealed that, to date, 1 in 3 adults are “not too closely” (20 percent) or “not at all closely” (12 percent) following news about the impeachment inquiry.

The Marist poll revealed an even split, at this early point, as to whether the public approves (49 percent) or disapproves (46 percent) of the formal inquiry. Over 9 of 10 (94 percent) who voted for Trump in 2016 “disapprove.”

Right now, according to Marist, the country is evenly split over whether the impeachment inquiry is “a very serious matter” (50 percent) or “just politics” (48 percent). We can expect this will change, one way or the other, toward the end of the House investigation. A large majority of adults want to see the whistleblower testify (73 percent) — and a majority of 2016 Trump voters also support that (53 percent).

Marist also inquired about Trump’s call for the president of Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden. Among all adults, 55 percent said “it’s a serious matter that requires investigation,” and 43 percent said “it’s not a serious matter, just politics.” Asked, “Is it worth it or not worth it for House Democrats to vote to impeach President Trump if the Senate Republicans will not vote to convict him?” the split is “worth it,” 47 percent, and “not worth it,” 49 percent.

Again, if Congressman Zeldin were to sponsor an independent poll of Congressional District 1, we might — and he might — actually learn how the citizens in the district feel about impeachment. As it is, the Zeldin survey is unscientific in its methodology, reliant upon the congressman’s email list, and coming from his office.

Full disclosure: I responded “yes” (for impeachment) in the Zeldin survey, and I would be interested to know whether Congressman Zeldin believes it is okay and not a “high crime and misdemeanor” for a president to seek (once again) the assistance of another country in our elections, and whether it is also okay to threaten to withhold congressionally approved military assistance to a country to pressure that result?

Steve AbramsonWater Mill