Two Heroes - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1559891

Two Heroes

Many thanks, overdue, to two Halloween heroes.

There’s Pete Reyer [“O Frabjous Day!” Letters, November 7], who reminds us that the orange monster, the greatest destroyer ever, slithering in the White House, bent on sucking the life out of the country and exuding his slime trail of hate, chaos and incoherence, can be leveled by literature! With rank stupidity and ignorance, degeneracy and arrogance, illogic and sycophancy, this monster is chewing up language, logic, syntax, meaning and truth itself. (Yes, Virginia, there is real truth.) So, it takes a great master builder of words like Lewis Carroll to crush and pound language itself to arrive at meaning ridiculous enough to describe the dangerously ridiculous. That “burbling, fruminous Bandersnatch,” nee Trump. Frabjous Day! indeed. And thanks to Mr. Reyer for setting us back on course.

Then there is Wayne Sanders, at the Southampton Post Office, who had to confront a screaming, green-faced witch who flew in on a broomstick the day before Halloween to inquire after a lost package filled with Halloween books, which a 3-year old, dressed as a ghost, was anticipating in California. (Full disclosure: I am that witch.)

Mr. Sanders found the goblin in the system that had flung the package to and then back from California, arriving here on All Hallows Eve with a notation that the person did not exist. (Imagine the reaction of two sets of grandparents to that news!) Calming the fury in front of him, he gently retrieved the package and overnighted it back to California. It arrived a day late, to delight a 3-year-old, still wearing that ghost sheet, who was none the wiser, living, as most of them do, blissfully outside of time.

Service beyond the call of duty, and for which, again, many, many thanks.

The staff at the Southampton Post Office are all deserving of thanks. To a person, they are helpful, patient and friendly.

Frances Genovese
