A World Upside Down - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1773254

A World Upside Down

Recent events have turned the world upside down under the guise of social justice, a word that needs no modifier if it is indeed justice. George Floyd has been lionized, elevated by the “woke” cancel culture, to martyrdom by far too many of our left-wing liberal politicians. Nancy Pelosi, in an embarrassment to rational thought, thanked George Floyd for sacrificing his life for justice.

Floyd, a giant of a man, was, in truth, a criminal with nine prior arrests, including one where he held a woman with a gun pointed at her stomach while five or six accomplices looted her home. I’ll bet his mother was proud. Actually, certainly not, but the elite among us find tempering social deficiencies, enough to cancel poor George’s inadequacies and elevate him to a Christ figure for the twisted BLM movement.

George Floyd was a victim of terrible police work, exacerbated by his poor health and his size, which would intimidate any average-sized human being as they try to subdue his initial resistance. The ruthless failing in his arrest is very hard to watch on video.

BLM is an organization led by three self-admitted “trained Marxists” with terrorist training focused on the ascendancy of woman and the queer and transgender culture. They shun the notion of a paternalism, reject the notion of the nuclear family, and familial fatherhood is but briefly mentioned in their mission statement and rejected as unnecessary. Ignoring the obvious: High-crime, impoverished Black communities are overwhelmingly lacking a father in the family structure. The exact opposite of successful Black communities from the 1950s to the 1970s.

Recent BLM protests in Minnesota reveal the movement’s true colors. Protesters there all dropped to one knee after the fatal police shooting resulting from a carjacking in which the perp first shot at police. The crowd of protesters quickly dispersed when they learned the victim was white.

More “woke” hypocrisy is seen with Congresswoman Maxine Waters inciting mayhem by encouraging more sheep-like protesters to take to the streets in cities. These troubled Democrat cities are in states well beyond her California district. This is supposedly in the name of social justice.

When Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to protest peacefully and be heard, he was lambasted and impeached for insurrection for the actions of several groups of morons who attacked and then entered the Capitol.

Lastly, anti-racist doctors in Boston’s Brigham and Woman’s Hospital are offering “race-explicit interventions,” according to the Boston Review. Such “preferential care based on race” is intended to disenfranchise whites over Black and brown patients. This approach is considered corrective and mandated by some enlightened “sheeple.”

John Porta
