Restore Vitality - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1977374

Restore Vitality

With every passing year, I feel like Southampton Village is losing more and more of its soul.

It always surprises me how many people will go to the polls without educating themselves on the candidates, issues or facts. Some vote based solely on hearsay.

I have lived in Southampton Village most of my life, and I have voted in every village election since I was eligible to vote. During the last village election cycle, much misinformation was disseminated to registered voters, and there was a lot of fabrication and distortion of the truth. This was neither civil nor fair.

As a property owner and a commercial real estate owner in the village, I worry about the character of our community. I want my elected officials to lead with honesty, integrity, transparency and civility. I want them to be passionate about our village, to keep us informed and to respect one another.

That is why I am endorsing and voting for Kimberly Allan for village trustee on June 17. If elected, she will help restore a much needed vitality to our village.

Laurie Cameron Carson

Southampton Village