They Deserve Better - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2042870

They Deserve Better

Your article [“Concerning Data About Affordable Housing Development’s Potential To Strain Services in Southampton,”, September 28] addresses concerns about the services that our development would place on local ambulance and police.

With any development there are additional infrastructure adjustments. Localities need to decide what developments are needed and plan for the increased service and infrastructure that they will bring.

When we were invited by the town to come to Southampton to explore developing affordable housing, we were confident that the town recognized the desperate need for affordable housing and would partner with us in overcoming the obstacles such developments always face. We still hold this confidence.

We have studied the statistics mentioned in your article about the level of police and ambulance activity at one of our sites that provides housing for veterans. It appears that a majority of these calls were for medical reasons. A high percentage of the people we currently serve are Vietnam veterans who are aging and have medical needs.

After initially being shunned for their participation in this unpopular war, we are finally giving them what they need and deserve: safe, supportive and affordable housing. Surely, together we can figure out how we can manage an increase in infrastructure and service needs without concluding that we should not build anything.

The individuals and families seeking an affordable place to live and the veterans who can benefit from this housing deserve better.

Ralph Fasano

Executive Director

Concern Housing
