The 1996 film “City Hall” is a thriller that tells the story of an accidental shooting of a boy in New York City which leads to an investigation by the deputy mayor, resulting in unexpectedly far-reaching consequences. On April 12, at 8 p.m., Bay Street Theater in Sag Harbor will present “City Hall” as part of its Friday Night Flicks series.
The film stars Al Pacino, John Cusack, Bridget Fonda, and Danny Aiello and will be followed by a talkback with its producer, Ken Lipper. Mr. Lipper triumphed in the publishing world with the success of his novel “Wall Street,” adapted from Oliver Stone’s award-winning film of the same name. He served as technical advisor on the film and had a brief cameo. His experience in government was the inspiration for “City Hall,” the novel, and also the screenplay, which he wrote and produced. Mr. Lipper also produced “The Winter Guest,” starring Emma Thompson, and the Holocaust documentary “The Last Days,” for which he won an Academy Award.
Tickets to the screening are $12 at or 631-725-9500.