Bay Street Theater presents “Moms’ Night Out,” a comedy show produced by comedian Paul Anthony, on Saturday, September 14, at 8 p.m. The performance is a celebration of moms and female comic talent, with this special performance featuring four top female comedians: Laura Patton, Talia Reese, Kendra Cunningham and Carie Karavas.
“We’re so excited to finally have the opportunity to bring ‘Moms’ Night Out’ to the Hamptons,” said Anthony. “We’ve presented this hilarious show in Nassau County for the past seven years. The show is now one of our most popular.
“We’re thankful to our partners at Bay Street Theater and the incredible support from the communities on the East End,” he continued. “We’re confident ‘Moms’ Night Out’ will be a big success on the East End, and we’re looking forward to making it an annual addition to our comedy shows at Bay Street Theater.”
The comedians showcased in this performance have been featured on late-night TV, streaming platforms, Atlantic City, Las Vegas, Mohegan Sun, the Catskills, the New York City comedy scene and top venues around the country.
Laura Patton is a staple of the Long Island comedy scene. She regularly performs at venues and fundraiser events all over the island. She recently brought her act to Las Vegas.
Talia Reese hails from Great Neck. She’s a regular at top comedy venues and can be heard on SiriusXM Radio. She’s appeared on the “Wendy Williams Show” and has recently shared the stage with comedians Jim Gaffigan, Nick Cannon and Ronny Chieng.
Boston-bred and Brooklyn-based, Kendra Cunningham has been named a “comic to watch” by Time Out New York. She’s appeared on “Last Comic Standing,” “Gotham Live,” “Saturday Night Live” and “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.” Her Comedy Festival appearances include the Montreal Just for Laughs Festival, the Glasgow Comedy Festival, and the Boston Comedy Festival.
Carie Karavas is a regular on the Long Island and New York City comedy scenes and she has been headlining top venues around the country for over 20 years. She’s appeared on Comedy Central and New Joke City and has been featured at the world-famous Montreal Comedy Festival, Mohegan Sun Casino, and top venues in Las Vegas. She was also featured on the Kevin James sitcom “Kevin Can Wait” on CBS.
“We tell people that they would not see this level of comic talent all on one stage at other comedy shows. That’s what distinguishes our shows,” Anthony said. “At the end of the day, we’re out to make audiences laugh, forget about their worries for just a little while, and feel good about themselves. And that’s what keeps us motivated. It’s an incredible feeling to meet audience members after a performance and have them tell us how great they feel after laughing so hard. It is extremely rewarding, and we are very grateful to be able to do this.”
Tickets are $37 to $47 in advance ($47 to $57 day of show) at, at the box office or by calling 631-725-9500. Bay Street Theater is on Long Wharf in Sag Harbor.