“Magical Landscape” is a studio gallery show at ArtSprings Studio, a space in Springs featuring the work of international artists, both emerging and established. This show will include works on paper and large oils on canvas by three of the East End’s iconic landscape artists: Terry Elkins, Janet Jennings, and Barbara Thomas, with a public opening reception on Sunday, May 28, from 5 to 7 p.m.
Inspired and influenced by the early landscape paintings of Long Island, Elkins, Jennings and Thomas have each worked since the early 1980s creating paintings inspired by the unique landscape of the East End. “Magical Landscape” is a journey through time. From early observational, in-the-moment plein air work, to bold abstracted visual ruminations on nature and land. This show touches the heart of the magical East End.
Terry Elkins moved to Bridgehampton in the mid-1980s and was highly influenced by Willem de Kooning, Red Grooms and Malcombe Morley. His work reflects the light, landscape, coastline, and architecture of the East End. Janet Jennings moved to Amagansett in 1981 and switched her focus from a color field painter to a landscape painter where she built a wide following as a painter of luminous oil and watercolor paintings. Barbara Thomas moved to Bridgehampton in the early 1980s and became known for her precisely detailed depictions of the East End, since then her work has grown into a more abstract interpretation of nature.
ArtSprings Studio is a working artist studio open to visitors to see the creative process in action. This newly envisioned space is host to interactive art events and projects, surprise art happenings, and classes lead by Thomas, a teaching artist with over 20-years’ experience in leading arts institutions.
ArtSprings is open by private appointment visits and viewing. To visit email info@artspringsstudio.com or learn more at artspringsstudio.com.