Applauds Purchase - 27 East


East Hampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2300584
Oct 21, 2024

Applauds Purchase

The late September announcement by the Town of East Hampton regarding the proposed acquisition of 66 Wainscott Main Street using Community Preservation Funds in the amount of $56 million [“East Hampton Plans Wainscott Land Acquisition From Ron Lauder,”, October 1] was met with jubilance by our organization, Wainscott Heritage Project.

Until its purchase in 2021 by Ronald Lauder for $66 million, this land had remained nearly uninterruptedly in the Osborn family since the mid-17th century. This parcel has historical, cultural, natural and scenic significance. It is an essential feature of Wainscott’s historically agrarian character.

While the original saltbox that anchored the homestead was lost in the 1950s, the existing typical vernacular buildings (Louisa E. Osborn House, Hedges-Osborn garage/residence and a shed/playhouse) have since the early 20th century formed part of the open setting of the intact 30 acres of fields surrounding Wainscott Pond and ending at the ocean dunes.

This setting is, in fact, included as a subunit of the “East Hampton Scenic Area of Statewide Significance” (SASS). In the 2010 document published by the New York State Department of State, Division of Coastal Resources, this area is part of the SASS, “because it is an outstanding New York coastal landscape, scenic area and because of its unique estates, estate grounds, historic architecture, and cultivated landscapes. The subunit’s wide, sandy beaches and dunes provide sweeping views of the Atlantic Ocean and along its sheltered ponds and coves.”

Wainscott Heritage Project vigorously supports this purchase along with the local historic designation of the buildings that must occur according to CPF law. Our organization recognizes the magnitude of the proposed acquisition as the largest CPF purchase in the town’s history and commends the Town Board for recognizing this parcel as a key community asset by preserving it for the purposes of open space, agricultural lands, historic places and property, and the protection and improvement of water quality.

Corresponding with our organization’s mission to preserve the history and cultural character of Wainscott by protecting its historic structures and significant viewsheds, we particularly wish to emphasize this acquisition as an opportunity for the Town of East Hampton to expand on its thoughtful approach to historic preservation planning and effective stewardship of historical resources through the CPF.

We hope an overwhelming majority of the public assures the Town Board that 66 Wainscott Main Street is a worthy purchase for the past, present and future of East Hampton.

Esperanza León


Wainscott Heritage Project