At What Cost? - 27 East


East Hampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1695792

At What Cost?

Can’t help but insert the words “at what cost?” about the saving of “Dirtbag Beach” [“No ‘Dirtbags’ On Montauk Beach This Year,”, April 14].

Hooray for Montauk’s condos, summer dwellers and the hotels on the ocean, but the heck with our water and aquifer from this clown digging into the groundwater contributing his not-beach sand. I guess he’s essential. And the water is not?

Just my honest reaction to that article. Some will be thrilled, I’m sure. They engineered this project (no pun intended) ad nauseum to the town. Some couldn’t care less about anything but the Benjamins, and while people need their $$$$, this project has no end date to our purses. A huge wonder …

Nanci Lagarenne

East Hampton