Dirty Water - 27 East


East Hampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2246835
Apr 22, 2024

Dirty Water

One of the most obvious things people seemingly ignore is brought to attention twice in last week’s edition.

Dr. Christopher Gobler once again reminded all naysayers that the housing explosion from previous decades is a major culprit [“Flesh-Eating Bacteria, Toxic Algae, Oxygen-Starved Waters Were Widespread in 2023, Thanks to Nitrogen and Warmer Waters,” 27east.com, April 17]. The article points out the “wastewater from the tens of thousands of toilets leaching into the ponds and bays.”

If you need to look for more backing, flip to the editorial board’s “Everyone Poops” [Editorial, April 18].

Here in the Town of East Hampton, we had only 10 percent left of buildable land in 2016, the same statistic was used in 2021. I wonder what percent that is today? Building hasn’t stopped.

One thing that remains: excrement.

Still here.

Joe Karpinski
