East Hampton Seeking $600,000 in Grants for Montauk Coastal Planning
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The Montauk coastline. East Hampton has applied for $600,000 in grants to fund a comprehensive planning study for the downtown and its surroundings to account for rising sea levels and more severe storms and, if necessary, how to incentivize the retreat of development from the beachfront.
The Montauk coastline. East Hampton has applied for $600,000 in grants to fund a comprehensive planning study for the downtown and its surroundings to account for rising sea levels and more severe storms and, if necessary, how to incentivize the retreat of development from the beachfront.
Michael Wright on Jul 19, 2023
East Hampton Town has applied for a $600,000 grant from New York State that it would use to fund a long-term planning effort for Montauk that would look at specific...