Far From Covert - 27 East


East Hampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1725303

Far From Covert

The East Hampton Town Board, the East Hampton Town Trustees and the offshore wind farm developer, which I’m sure you have heard of, are very close to completing their negotiations on a nearly $29 million deal. This process took about two years; it’s been in all the papers.

Also, the developer has recently submitted a joint proposal supporting their Article VII application with the New York Public Service Commission — this was a 10-month process. It was also in the papers.

So it strains credulity when I read that this is somehow a “covert deal” conducted in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic. Wut?

The joint proposal negotiations have involved several New York State agencies, the Long Island Power Authority, PSEG, lots of locals, and also me. The joint proposal is detailed, exhaustive and the most thorough document I have ever witnessed being created.

Beginning in March, our COVID-19 pandemic required that business be conducted via telephone and email instead of in person at Town Hall — but if my 9-year-old daughter can go to fourth grade via her computer, certainly we adults can stay connected through our own devices.

Michael Hansen
