Frivolous Lawsuit - 27 East


East Hampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1547891

Frivolous Lawsuit

Frivolous Lawsuit

To Congressman Lee Zeldin: Thank you very much for the email updates. I am very happy to see that you’re working hard to support issues that are important to me.

I must say, however, that I was disappointed to read that you are part of a coalition to sue New York State for the newly passed law to provide driver’s licenses to undocumented people. I am extremely supportive of this law and feel that it is incredibly important for all drivers to have a license.

When I lived in England, both my husband and I obtained British driver’s licenses. Given the potential for accidents, it was extremely important for us to understand the different driving laws and rules in the new country where we were living — as it is here for people who are not from America originally yet live and drive here.

This law has already been passed, and was supported by a majority. Isn’t that how the law is meant to work? Aside from the waste of taxpayer dollars to pursue this frivolous lawsuit, if we sued to dispute every law that was passed, nothing would ever improve.

I hope that you will reconsider your position.

Christine Lefler
