The Real Reasons - 27 East


East Hampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1668769

The Real Reasons

Last week’s full-page editorial assault on President Trump and on Congressman Lee Zeldin for supporting him [“An Uncivil War,” Editorial, December 9] bemoans the state of our political discourse, then proceeds to argue that terms like “dictator” (Trump) and “lickspittle” (Zeldin) are appropriate. Wow, thank goodness the Press is here to calm things down!

The editorial fails to mention that almost all the actual violence is coming from Leftist groups like Antifa, Occupy, Communist front groups and other mobs of left-wing storm troopers. And let’s not forget the Bernie Sanders volunteer who shot five Republican congressman at a softball game — an event that would be mentioned on a daily basis if it happened to Democrat congressmen.

Mr. Trump and his family have been called every vile name imaginable, lied about and savaged by a rabidly incoherent press, accused of treason and a host of other equally ridiculous charges. When Mr. Zeldin labels this behavior, from the press or from the Democrats, as vile, stupid, crazy and disgusting, he is on firm ground.

You portray Mr. Zeldin’s support of the president as if it’s some kind of teenage idol worship. Let’s look at some of the real reasons why Mr. Zeldin, and anyone else capable of being influenced by facts, might support Mr. Trump: a booming economy; across-the-board wage increases; record-low unemployment (especially among African-Americans and Hispanics); energy policies that have made us energy independent, thus no longer prey to manipulation by that cauldron of chaos and corruption known as the Middle East; a record-setting stock market (more than half of all working Americans now own stocks, either directly or through their pension plans).

Here are some more reasons: Thanks to Trump’s unleashing our military from the suicidal shackles placed upon it by the Obama gang, ISIS no longer controls any territory, and over 70,000 of its murdering, child-raping thugs are now dead and can do no more harm; NATO members are now paying their fair share of their own defense; industries declared dead, particularly in the industrial and energy sectors, are coming back strong; the United States will once again be in the vanguard of space exploration, not hitching rides on Russian rockets; trade agreements that actually benefit Americans; etc., etc.

Measured by this record, and compared with the flock of phonies and freaks put forth by the Democrats, Mr. Trump and Mr. Zeldin look like knights in shining armor.

Manny Vilar


East Hampton Town Republican Committee

Points of clarification: the word “dictator” never appeared in the editorial, and the piece reported that the adjective had been applied to Mr. Zeldin by a national columnist, but never endorsed it — Ed.