Three Little Letters - 27 East


East Hampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1554499

Three Little Letters

Your recent article about what to call our little piece of earth — Springs or The Springs [“Town Edits Old Road Signs,” October 23] — credits Chris Harmon as the person who, about 1999, made the road signs that say “The Springs.” He did so apparently at the behest of the Springs Improvement Society and the town’s Highway Department at the time.

According to your article, Mr. Harmon considers the town’s decision to eliminate the word “The” in the new signs an insult to older Bonackers, remembering: “The people that made the decision of what those signs should say were the old folks from Springs …”

Note, if that quote is correct, that he, himself — like many people — does not always use the word “The” when talking about Springs, despite standing up for the little three-letter word.

There seems to be historical backing, as well as common usage, supporting either argument. With all the brouhaha, I say make two sets of signs — “Springs” and “The Springs” — and alternate them every five or 10 years.

’Nuff said.

Peggy Backman
