Town Topics - 27 East


East Hampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2045884

Town Topics

As the matters of East Hampton Town’s emergency communications system, as well as residents’ access to adequate wireless communications, or cellphone, coverage, have been a topic of both public and Town Board discussion for some time, I wanted to share with you and your readers the open letter to the community that I issued last week, which can be found on the town’s website,

The town’s comprehensive, approximately $13 million upgrade of the emergency communication system used townwide is nearing completion. This week, the Planning Board will take one of the final steps in its review of the application by American Tower for a new pole at Camp Blue Bay in Springs, by holding a public hearing on the proposal.

This pole would hold town emergency equipment to complete a new permanent link for Springs communications coverage, which was previously lacking, and also allow for cellphone companies to place their own equipment as well, boosting phone coverage in the area.

In addition, the matter of cellphone coverage, also of great import to residents, is being addressed by the Town Board through code changes and other policies to incentivize the private companies to provide better service.

These subjects are addressed in further detail in the open letter referenced above, by holding a public hearing on the proposal, and have been topics at several Town Board meetings that can be accessed through LTV and its website, including the meeting to take place on October 18.

Thank you for your assistance in getting important information out to the public. Those with questions or concerns are, as always, welcome to attend or call in to any of our Town Board meetings or to contact me, or any board member, at our offices.

Peter Van Scoyoc


East Hampton Town