Art Apart – East Hampton’s Roadside Exhibition for Everyone is back! - 27 East


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Art Apart – East Hampton’s Roadside Exhibition for Everyone is back!


EAST HAMPTON, NY — On June 19, 2021, the roadsides of East Hampton will, once again, come alive with Art Apart! This uncurated, roadside exhibition featuring the creative talent of a diverse swath of our town’s residents, is back after high praise from last year’s participants. Anyone is welcome to join.

Art Apart is designed for our socially-distant times: by registering online and getting on the tour map, artists will share what they’ve created in these months of isolation on their own roadside property, and viewers will visit from the safety of their cars.

Last year’s event was a huge success, creating much needed connection and engagement between artists and viewers alike. This year, with even more time spent in quarantine, we are eager to see participants’s progress in their creative pursuits.

Enrollment will begin May 15, 2021 and close June 15, 2021. Please visit our website to enroll.

Date: June 19, 10-4 pm
Rain date: June 20, 10-4 pm
Register as an exhibitor, or check out the tour map:
Follow along on Instagram @artapartEH and Facebook
Questions? Contact:
Sponsored by the East Hampton Arts Council


Sat, Jun 19, 2021 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM


  • *Various Locations - Artist's Front Yards* - check our website for tour map!
  • East Hampton, NY, USA

Contact & Registration