Family and Friends - 27 East


27East / Events / 1807416

Family and Friends


Information for family and friends on supporting a loved one with a mental health condition. It is an opportunity to connect with other people in similar situations and gain community support. Topics discussed include understanding the diagnosis, treatment and recovery; learning effective communication strategies; recognizing the importance of self-care; preparing strategies for dealing with a crisis, and tapping into the available community resources. Presented by the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI).

*This event is part of a series of workshops entitled “Quiet Minds and Hopeful Voices: Erasing the Stigma of Mental Illness” which is dedicated to raising awareness about mental illness and erasing the stigma associated with this heartbreaking diagnosis for individuals and families.


Mon, Oct 4, 2021 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM


  • Rogers Memorial Library
  • 91 Coopers Farm Road, Southampton, NY, USA

Contact & Registration