Full “Frost Moon” Hike with Friends of the Long Pond Greenbelt - 27 East


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Full “Frost Moon” Hike with Friends of the Long Pond Greenbelt


Full “Frost Moon” Hike with Friends of the Long Pond Greenbelt: This free program is for all ages.

Hike Leader: Dai Dayton, President, Friends of the Long Pond Greenbelt

The Frost Moon is also known as the Full Beaver Moon. For Native Americans this was the time to set beaver traps before the swamps froze, to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. Join us for this leisurely paced one-hour hike in Vineyard Field, the field behind SOFO. Hikes are limited to 25 participants.

To register email: greenbeltnews@aol.com. To contact the hike leader, Dai Dayton, on the day of the hike call 631-745-0689.


Wed, Nov 9, 2022 5:15 PM to 6:30 PM


  • South Fork Natural History Museum
  • 377 Bridgehampton-Sag Harbor Turnpike, Bridgehampton, NY, USA

Contact & Registration