Donald Sultan who will discuss his approach to pairing his work with works from the Parrish collection for Artists Choose Parrish, a landmark exhibition that celebrates the Parrish’s 125th anniversary and honors the East End’s rich artistic legacy. The program will take place in the galleries among the works Sultan selected for the exhibition.
Sultan is one of forty-one artists with deep local roots who were invited to select works from the collection to be shown along with their own. Choosing works by Charles Burchfield, R.M. Fischer, Valerie Jaudon, Roy Lichtenstein, Donald Lipski, Dan Rizzie, and Keith Sonnier, he says: “All of the art I chose is abstract in nature even if it contains a kind of image—the images are loaded. They are art historical torn from the natural world but not bound by it. The artists are all mature and yet have a certainty of their craft. There is no guesswork in the making, only in the message.”