LTV Studios is excited to announce the return of the groundbreaking Playwrights’ Theatre of East Hampton series, founded in 1992 by Mitzi and Perry Pazer and now revived with their blessings by producer Josh Gladstone. The series will relaunch in association with Sawyer Spielberg’s Where Are They Going Theatre Company to present a staged reading of Stupid F*cking Bird by Aaron Posner on Thursday August 3rd and Friday August 4th at 8PM at LTV’s Studio Three black-box stage. Stupid F*cking Bird, an adaptation of Chekhov’s masterpiece The Seagull, stars Sawyer Spielberg, Kate Mueth, Raye Levine, Joe Pallister, Will Sturek, Jess Mortellaro and Ed Kassar. Directed by Heen Sasithorn Sturek, Stupid F*cking Bird tells the story of an aspiring young director’s rampage against the art created by his mother’s generation; a nubile young actress’s rivalry with an aging Hollywood star for the affections of a renowned novelist; and everyone’s discovery of just how surprising love, art and growing-up can be. General admission tickets are $30 in advance and $35 at the door. VIP front-row café tables will also be available for $75. Tickets can be purchased online at
The Playwrights’ Theatre series continues with the offbeat new comedy Before Vinson by NYC playwright Michael C. O’Day on September 16th; followed by a two-week run of David Mamet’s early comedy The Duck Variations October 6th -15th directed by LTV’s Carlos Garcia; and concludes on October 21st with a concert staging of the new romance A Milonga for Gabriel Isaacs by Wainscott-based author John McCaffrey and his writing partner Adam Singer, accompanied by live music and dance performed by Sandra Antognazzi’s dynamic Tango Fusion company.