Princess Clara of Loisaida, written by Matthew Barbot, follows middle-schooler Clara and her older brother José when they start to question their reality, as the fantastical prophecy they created comes true. With Mamá long gone and Papá catatonic (and only able to sing old sitcom theme songs), video-game obsessed middle-schooler Clara finds herself in the hapless care of José. Scraping by together on the Lower East Side, the siblings try to stay distracted from their bleak reality through José’s fanciful stories: that Clara was a fairy princess of a magical realm, left in Central Park for their parents to find. Unbeknownst to José, Fefu, a magical fairy scout embedded in New York to keep an eye out for the lost princess when she comes of age, has identified her target to bring her home. When the siblings realize José’s stories might be true—that, in fact, he may be making them come true—Clara is faced with a choice, and José will fight a magical battle for his sister’s destiny.
Title Wave: The New Works Series features readings of new plays in development, providing playwrights a chance to hear their works in progress in front of an audience, and learn from the audience’s response. The series presents work from diverse and contemporary storytellers, introducing the audience at Bay Street and the East End community to up-and-coming works for the theater.