SOFO: Nighttime Owl Prowl - Owls by the Light of the Moon with Frank: Adults - 27 East


27East / Events / 1751533

SOFO: Nighttime Owl Prowl - Owls by the Light of the Moon with Frank: Adults


Walk Leader: Frank Quevedo, SOFO Executive Director

Listen for the whinnying sound of the Eastern Screech Owl or maybe even the seven-note hoot of the Great Horned Owl on this nighttime owl prowl that marks the beginning of our owls’ courtship season. Frank, an expert birder, will present a brief slide show and then take you into the field to call owls in for actual sightings. Bring binoculars and a flashlight. Limited enrollment. This program is for adults.

There is a $10 fee for Adults and $7 fee for children for this program. Members are free.

Please note that, as mandated by the latest State Executive Order regarding COVID-19 safety precautions, our outdoor nature walks and programs will at all times follow stringent six-feet distancing separation protocols required by the Department of Health for the safety of our participants and environmental educators. We will provide masks and gloves for all attendees.

Advanced reservations are required for all events. To register for this program, which has limited enrollment please contact us at or call 631-537-9735. Spots will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.


Sat, Feb 6, 2021 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM


  • Please Call 631-537-9735 for reservations

Contact & Registration