Steam Ahead Finfish & Shellfish with scientist Rockfish Rob and artist Magical Marla: - 27 East


27East / Events / 1917519

Steam Ahead Finfish & Shellfish with scientist Rockfish Rob and artist Magical Marla:


It’s a Green Crab, it’s a Killifish, it’s all about finfish and shellfish! Identify and feed the finned and shelled animals in SOFO’s display tanks. Learn the names of the fins and other external anatomy while “fishing” in a bucket with magnetic bait. Share your favorite fish story, the big one that got away! Now go to the art station and create brightly colored fish combining markers and watercolor techniques. Material fee $5.


Sat, Apr 30, 2022 10:30 AM to 12:00 AM


  • South Fork Natural History Museum

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