There's Treasure Everywhere: A Virtual Gardening Talk with C.L. Fornari - 27 East


27East / Events / 1772203

There's Treasure Everywhere: A Virtual Gardening Talk with C.L. Fornari


This virtual tour of beautiful gardens presents ideas, information and inspirations gathered from private and public gardens coast-to-coast and beyond. C.L. has visited gardens throughout the U.S. and Canada, and has put together a visual feast that will get your creative juices flowing for your own property. Enjoy the many styles of gardens, get design ideas, learn about new plants and combinations, and see how others have solved gardening problems. Attendees will receive a handout, which contains tips for design, plant names, and a list of the public gardens shown so that you can plan future garden-tourism trips.


Wed, May 5, 2021 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM


  • Rogers Memorial Library
  • 92 Coopers Farm Road, Southampton, NY, USA

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