Weekly Service for Unitarian Universalist Congretation of the South Fork - 27 East


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Weekly Service for Unitarian Universalist Congretation of the South Fork


A Zen Path in Troubled Times
Sunday, August 18, 10:30am

A war in Europe, more wars in the Middle East, political candidates with values we don’t recognize, entire countries in Africa and South America unraveling. Is it angst you feel? You are not alone, and not the first to feel it. Today we search for calm in the Zen wisdom of the East.

Speaker: Michel Dobbs
Musician: Sofia Skoldberg

Speaker Bio: Michel is a Zen priest, a Dharma heir of Peter Muryo Matthiessen Roshi and a co-teacher at the Ocean Zendo. He began practicing Zen with the NYC sangha of the late Kyudo Nakagawa Roshi in 1992 and began study with Muryo Roshi in Bridgehampton in 1994.


Sun, Aug 18, 2024 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM


  • 977 Bridgehampton-Sag Harbor Turnpike, Bridgehampton, NY, USA

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