A dance fitness class that can be a fun, energetic way to get cardio exercise perfect for everybody AND everybody! Classes are a mix of low, medium, and high intensity moves for an interval style, calorie burning, and dance fitness party. Zumba provides a total workout combining cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility, boosted energy, and an amazing stress reliever! If you want to turn your frown upside down, get yourself into this Zumba class!
If weather conditions cause a class cancellation, every effort will be made to schedule a make-up class. However, due to unpredictable weather conditions, make-up classes cannot be guaranteed.
Fee $48.00, Non-Res $58.00. Per Class $12.00
TUESDAYS: 9/8, 9/15, 9/22, 9/29
6:30PM – 7:30PM