At Home With Kate Mueth - 27 East


Residence / 1391932

At Home With Kate Mueth

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At Home in Springs with Kate Mueth.

At Home in Springs with Kate Mueth.



Dawn Watson photos

Dawn Watson photos

Dawn Watson photos

Dawn Watson photos



Photo by Dawn Watson

Photo by Dawn Watson



authorDawn Watson on Jan 24, 2011

From the outside, it’s a typical looking cedar-sided Hamptons cottage. But on the inside, this Springs house—home to Kate Mueth, Josh Gladstone and their son, August—is packed with uncommon talent.

Ms. Mueth and her husband of 11 years are well known in the arts community. She is an actor, choreographer, director, voice-over artist, and drama and movement teacher and he is a producer, director, playwright, actor and the artistic director at Guild Hall’s John Drew Theater in East Hampton. Even their 10-year-old son, August, is a talented young man who has already appeared as an actor on the stage at Lincoln Center in “Voyage,” part two of Tom Stoppard’s Tony-winning “Coast of Utopia” trilogy, alongside Ethan Hawke, Martha Plimpton and Billy Crudup.

During a recent visit over a glass of local red, tasty snacks and David Bowie tunes, Ms. Mueth welcomed her guest for an inside look at her cozy 1,500-square-foot home nestled in the middle of the Springs woods.

With Rosie, the family’s friendly 2-year-old labradoodle at her feet, Ms. Mueth shared how she and her husband met—in stage combat class at Circle in the Square Theatre School in Manhattan—and how they came to become East Enders.

“We moved out here about 10 years ago from the city,” she explained. “It was all about August ... We didn’t want the bus fumes in his face. I wanted my baby to have grass to crawl in and clean air, surrounded by nature.”

The move from Manhattan to the Hamptons was exciting for the couple, she noted, as she talked about moving from a city apartment to a house in the woods.

“This house was huge in comparison to us then. But now we want to make a room out there,” Ms. Mueth said as she took in the wooded view from a sliding glass door in the dining room. “We love Springs, it’s quieter here. I need nature.”

The house, which Ms. Mueth described as “quirky,” is filled with cherished items: relief angel sculpture wall hangings from the set of the play “Picasso at the Lapin Agile” by Steve Martin; a “hand-me-down” easel from artist and friend Liz Gribbin; a nude of Ms. Mueth, drawn by anatomist and figure drawing master Linda Capello; and a goddess of prosperity sculpture, a wedding gift from

friends Jared and Julia Doyle.

The imprint of what’s truly important—family and friends—is evident everywhere in the house: by the numerous photos atop a desk and a hutch in the dining room, on every square inch of the refrigerator and alongside books, artwork and a trailing philodendron in the living room. Ms. Mueth was quick to point out a photo of her son taken in character for his role as the son of the leading character in “Voyage.”

“He was deaf, had to speak German and died in a shipwreck in that one,” she said, adding, “it hasn’t been our goal for him to be an actor but it is such an amazing gift that he’s had all these wonderful experiences.”

A doting mother, Ms. Mueth extolled the creative gifts of her son, who seems to be following in the footsteps of his talented parents.

“His first role was in ‘Cherry Orchard’ at Guild Hall when he was 3 years old. He went everywhere with us. His character was the ghost of Grisha, who drowned,” she said, laughing as she added that his response to that role was “Momma, momma, why don’t I have more lines?”

Ms. Mueth, who is currently shuttling back and forth between Manhattan and the East End for rehearsals, will soon will be following in her son’s footsteps when she appears in the New York City Opera show “Monodramas” at Lincoln Center (“I’m not singing,” she said with great emphasis, “don’t worry.”), which opens on March 25.

“I just couldn’t believe it. Walking into Lincoln Center,” she said. “I can’t wait!”

The actress, who recently starred in Mr. Gladstone’s 15-minute play “ComiCon” at the “Fest O’ Fives” at Guild Hall, shared some of the basics of her love for her husband.

“He is the closest thing to Buddha that I have ever met, he’s so fair, so kind. He’s an incredible artist and I respect his work tremendously,” she said.

And then, almost on cue, as the sky darkened and the afternoon chat was winding down, the front door opened and Mr. Gladstone and August appeared, covered in a dusting of snow and smiling.

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