On Friday, September 27, renowned environmental artist Alan Sonfist, accompanied by students from the Hayground School, officially kicked off his latest site-specific installation, “Celestial Meadow,” at the Parrish Art Museum in Water Mill. This two-year project, commissioned by the museum, is part of an initiative to blend art and environmental stewardship, featuring native plantings arranged in patterns that reflect the star constellations visible above the Parrish grounds.
The Celestial Meadow project begins with an ecological restoration phase that involves eco-friendly methods, including covering the site with a tarp to eliminate invasive species. Over the next year, native wildflowers will be planted in a pattern that mirrors the constellations above. By the summer of 2026, the meadow will bloom into a vibrant celestial-themed, plant-based design.
“This Land Art Forward installation project brings together art, nature, and community in a meaningful way,” Sonfist said. “Working with the students to create a lasting, environmental artwork is not just about the final piece, but also about instilling the value of art and environmental stewardship in the next generation.”
The Celestial Meadow installation will be featured in a larger exhibition on ecology at the Parrish Art Museum in 2026.