Southampton Town is one of the newest partners in the U.S. Department of Energy Better Climate Challenge, joining more than 80 organizations across the U.S. economy that are driving real-world action toward a low-carbon future.
“Better Climate Challenge partners like the Town of Southampton are committing to decarbonize across their portfolio of buildings, plants and fleets, and share effective strategies and transition our economy to clean energy,” U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm said in a statement. “Their leadership and innovation are crucial in our collective fight against climate change while strengthening the U.S. economy.”
The Town Board voted unanimously on Tuesday, March 22, to authorize the Better Climate Challenge Agreement, a government platform that provides technical assistance and support in identifying decarbonization pathways while providing recognition for leadership across the nation, according to a press release.
The DOE recognized the town’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 percent within 10 years and to work with the federal agency to share successful solutions and decarbonization strategies.
“The Town of Southampton is proud to join the DOE and other partners across the U.S. economy to help lead the transition to clean energy and combat climate change,” Councilman John Bouvier said in a statement. “This partnership is just one example of our commitment to promote sustainability and reduce our carbon footprint. We encourage other municipal leaders to join this effort.”
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