East Hampton Town has scheduled a series of workshops to bring real estate and members of the public up to speed with its new rental registry law and the application process that accompanies it.
The first sessions are intended for real estate brokers and will be held at 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. on Wednesday, January 20. Members of the public have been invited to attend one of three sessions, held at 1, 3 and 5 p.m., on January 27.
During each workshop, town staff will walk participants through the rental registry application process and answer any questions participants may have.
The workshops will take place in the main meeting room of Town Hall at 159 Pantigo Road in East Hampton.
Participants have been asked to make reservations by calling Supervisor Larry Cantwell’s office at (631) 324-4140 or sending an email to his assistant, Colleen Reynolds, at creynolds@ehamptonny.gov.
The Building Department will handle and process the applications, which will be available on the homepage of the town’s website, www.ehampton.ny.gov . The Building Department can be reached by calling (631) 324-4145. Inquiries regarding the rental registry can also be directed to rentalregistry@ehamptonny.gov.
Rental Registry applications will become available Friday, January 15, on the town website or at the Building Department at 300 Pantigo Place, and the town will begin accepting completed applications. The form can be filled out online, but must be submitted either in person or by mail, along with the $100 application fee.
On February 1, the Building Department will begin issuing rental registration numbers. The town will begin to enforce the rental registry law on May 1.