A Better Job - 27 East


May 20, 2024

A Better Job

Thank you for the excellent coverage of my announcement about running for mayor of North Haven [“Roberts Will Challenge Fiore in North Haven Mayoral Race,” 27east.com, April 30]. As you reported, it was a spontaneous decision after attending the April trustees meeting.

I am happy to report that, in the two weeks that I had to secure signatures to go on the June 18 ballot, my supporters and I collected signatures that surpassed the requirement by 70 percent and far exceeded the number collected by my opponent.

Residents agree with me that decisions are being made that are not consistent with the goal of preserving our rural character and fragile environment, and without adequate public comment and details on expenses and plans for future maintenance and funding.

For the last two years, residents have asked for details on the plans and funding for Lovelady Park and its maintenance. All we have is a simple one-page drawing and unauthorized wetland clearing that exceeds the 75-foot buffer required by residents. How does the current mayor plan to maintain this park when he has not maintained our existing 73-acre preserve or the traffic circle?

In the Lovelady Park discussion, there has been no mention of the 73-acre Stock Farm Preserve, secured by the village in 1990, with a fund to maintain it which is long gone. Many residents do not know about this preserve and its trails, with two bridges over Ganet Creek. Today, one cannot find the overgrown entrance or trail markings, and both bridges are in serious disrepair, as they were not maintained. Residents do not use the trails because of ticks in the summer and hunters in the winter.

The mayor said the bridges could cost $100,000 to repair. Is this a lesson for Lovelady Park?

In addition, the North Haven traffic circle has not been weeded or cleaned in months. The village’s landscaper retired a year ago and is still not replaced. The mayor has agreed to let a landscape company replant the circle with donated plants and put up a sign advertising their company — which is against North Haven code prohibiting contractor signs.

Why haven’t we maintained the beautiful existing plantings? Why is a landscaper getting free advertising on our traffic circle? And why has the mayor pushed to install a lighted 25-foot flagpole in the middle of the circle, which many residents feel will be distracting and dangerous?

If you are a North Haven resident who agrees that we can do a better job of managing our resources and priorities, I urge you to vote for me for mayor in the June 18 election.

Barbara Roberts

North Haven