Context Needed - 27 East


May 6, 2024

Context Needed

Regarding your editorial, “Time To Talk” [May 2]:

Thank you for starting off your opening statement about how valuable Eastville Community Historical Society is — only to compare us to other “worthy” nonprofits and to question the legal system put in place specifically for education corporations.

It would be pertinent for the editorial board to provide proper context and content on these processes and why we are qualified to utilize this system of which the residents decide through their vote. I believe the sentiments and position of your editorial is trying to address a generalized and larger issue on ad hoc decision-making, hot-button topics and casting our proposition in a negative light.

We do not intend on making decisions for residents but to allow our organization and the residents to be engaged in what is civic right.

With that being said, historical societies, museums and cultural organizations are an extension of the education system; hence, an education corporation. We are chartered by the New York State Regents office, maintain a collection and abide by regents’ rules and governance. It is because we are a chartered education organization within good standing and of public benefit that we qualify and seek public support, just like the library. This is a link for your understanding:

Thank you kindly and we welcome the opportunity to discuss this further.

Dr. Georgette Grier-Key

Executive Director and Curator

Eastville Community Historical Society