Sky Is Not Falling - 27 East


May 14, 2024

Sky Is Not Falling

So, the cruise ship people arrived without a single issue [“First American Cruise Ship Arrives in Sag Harbor,”, May 8]. How surprising, when so many predicted that it would be most disruptive to our community.

Clearly, our trustees and the minority of overly vocal residents of Sag Harbor are once again wrong about the consequences of visitors to our community and the havoc they bring. It should be a teachable moment, but the reality is that the naysayers never learn, they just keep telling us the sky is falling.

I certainly hope the mayor is watching and that he realizes that some forces want to destroy what Sag Harbor is about because they have other personal agendas that are not related to the vibrancy of Sag Harbor.

It was always a no-brainer, but some don’t want Sag Harbor to be a tourist location, and that is very scary for businesses in our community. We certainly don’t want to become East Hampton, the land of vacant stores. But, unfortunately, some in power don’t have that view, and it’s up to Mayor Tom Gardella to keep them in check, lest they destroy the goose that laid the golden egg.

Thomas Jones

Sag Harbor