An Uncertain Future - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1720919

An Uncertain Future

Incredible how, now and through history, a catastrophe such as COVID-19 can amplify the difference between the wealthy and the not-so-wealthy.

Look at the contrast. The well-to-do are making millions by capitalizing on the economic downturn by riding the fluctuations in the stock market. The less wealthy range from needing to go to a food bank to missing mortgage payments, not knowing if they can stay in their homes.

Our president is touting the rise in the stock market, when he should be showing concern for the millions of people out of work, losing their small businesses and facing a very uncertain future. Sadly, this man does not have the word “empathy” in his vocabulary.

Through time, nothing changes: Lots of esteemed world leaders have missed out on that word. Nothing new!

Tom Halton

Sag Harbor