Apology Accepted - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2018126

Apology Accepted

I want to acknowledge Jay Schneiderman for coming clean on the offending language originally included in the recent proposal for the Hampton Bays Downtown Revitalization project [“‘Regrettable’ Contract Passage Seeks To Discredit Opponents Of Hampton Bays Overlay District,” 27east.com, August 24].

He, among many, messed up by overlooking that language. To his credit, he took full responsibility for it, and then he apologized on behalf of himself and the town.

Some may reply that it’s what he’s supposed to do.

Agreed. But in the nearly half century that I have lived in Southampton Town, I can think of only one or two other town supervisors who would have stepped forward and apologized like Jay has done.

Full disclosure: Jay and I are not close buds. I’m writing this because he did the right thing and should be acknowledged for it.

For me — apology accepted. Thank you, Jay.

Bruce Doscher

Hampton Bays