Astounding Comments - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1810267
Aug 23, 2021

Astounding Comments

I was dismayed to see the comments of some of the neighbors of the proposed location for the Heart of the Hamptons food pantry [“Neighbors Object To Permitting Food Pantry At Former Ambulance Barn,”, August 18]. Two comments were so astounding that I am choosing to believe that they were just made in the heat of the moment and do not reflect the true hearts of the people quoted.

One woman remarked that Southampton was getting “nothing” out of the proposed agreement. The reasons for communities to help those in need, without getting anything in return, are too numerous and far-reaching to address in this letter.

As to the gentleman claiming to have gone “street by street, house by house” in the village, and doesn’t know anybody who would need a food pantry, I can assure him that he hasn’t knocked on every door. Having volunteered recently for several months at the food pantry, I encountered many clients from Southampton — even from the village streets he implies he knows so well.

Catherine Allan
