Be Aware And Involved - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1982339
Jun 21, 2022

Be Aware And Involved

I would like to congratulate Gina Arresta and Bill Manger on their victory on Election Day.

I would also like to thank my wonderful supporters, grassroots campaign team and the many kind people who invited me into their homes to share their thoughts (and even a glass of wine) during my run for trustee.

My hope for the future is that our community will be more aware and informed on the status of top issues concerning our village (i.e. sewer, traffic, master plan).

The fabric of community elections here and in other East End villages has changed markedly with the rise of absentee ballots. In this election, absentee ballots comprised over 25 percent of the votes. It is my hope that those who voted absentee and live in other cities, states and even countries will remain engaged and informed in our village politics.

We now have a one-party rule and we should diligently watch that the actions of the board are visible and consistent with the priorities of all residents. A harmonious village is dependent on its citizenry being aware and involved.

I wish the new board much success going forward.

Kimberly Allan
