Blends Are Improving - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2077310

Blends Are Improving

Your February 9 editorial [“The Green Catch”] alludes to Governor Kathy Hochul’s “ambitious but necessary proposals to phase out fossil fuel-powered heating and cooking appliances in new homes, and to eventually prohibit the replacement of oil and natural gas furnaces and boilers with anything but ‘green’ heating equipment.”

What you don’t report is that fossil fuels are getting cleaner. As a wholesale supplier of diesel and heating oil, I am pleased that our industry is already selling a 5 percent biodiesel blend and, when supply allows, even 10 percent. As an industry, we have pledged to move as high as 50 percent bio blends. A 100 percent blend also could become a reality if more supply (palm and soy oil, as well as used French fry oil, among other sources) becomes available.

Equally important, the move to increasing biofuel blends won’t require any costly changes to furnaces and diesel engines, nor will it contribute to the environmental pollution from mining, smelting and transporting windmills and storage batteries, the latter of which will have to be disposed of as well.

In addition to increasing biofuel blends, another potential mitigating factor for the impact of fossil fuels is carbon capture, in which hundreds of millions of dollars is being invested. All forms of energy have their environmental costs, and that should be acknowledged by our government leaders.

Gene Bernstein
