Breakwater Yacht Club Hosts Rockets, Sunfish - 27 East

Breakwater Yacht Club Hosts Rockets, Sunfish

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Close quarter combat at the start! Far left #3 Barbara Jo Howard & second from left #11 Jason Schwartz head for the pin end of the line, while Gloria Maroti-Frazee, foreground, favored the RC boat end.MICHAEL MELLA

Close quarter combat at the start! Far left #3 Barbara Jo Howard & second from left #11 Jason Schwartz head for the pin end of the line, while Gloria Maroti-Frazee, foreground, favored the RC boat end.MICHAEL MELLA

From left, Scott Sandell, Nick Gazzolo and Jason Schwartz on the verge of tacking, and Jim Merrell beam-reaching for the finish line in one of six races.   MICHAEL MELLA

From left, Scott Sandell, Nick Gazzolo and Jason Schwartz on the verge of tacking, and Jim Merrell beam-reaching for the finish line in one of six races. MICHAEL MELLA

Scott Sandell in hot pursuit of Gloria Maroti-Frazee. These two rocket skippers came in first or second in every race!    MICHAEL MELLA

Scott Sandell in hot pursuit of Gloria Maroti-Frazee. These two rocket skippers came in first or second in every race! MICHAEL MELLA

Fifteen-year-old wunderkind Venetia Satow, mostly hidden Gloria, 1.62 Nick & Marty Knob beating to windward on opposite tacks.  MICHAEL MELLA

Fifteen-year-old wunderkind Venetia Satow, mostly hidden Gloria, 1.62 Nick & Marty Knob beating to windward on opposite tacks. MICHAEL MELLA

Sail designer and renowned East End artist Scott Sandell adjusting his mainsheet as he crosses the finish line in style.  MICHAEL MELLA

Sail designer and renowned East End artist Scott Sandell adjusting his mainsheet as he crosses the finish line in style. MICHAEL MELLA

Gloria Maroti-Frazee, Sag Harbor custom bookbinder and rare book restorer Paul Vogel, Barbara Jo Howard and Scott Sandell work their way to the weather mark.  MICHAEL MELLA

Gloria Maroti-Frazee, Sag Harbor custom bookbinder and rare book restorer Paul Vogel, Barbara Jo Howard and Scott Sandell work their way to the weather mark. MICHAEL MELLA

From left, Venetia Satow, Jim Merrell, Marty Knob, Scott Sandell, Gloria Maroti-Frazee and Nick Gazzolo, the newly elected BYC Commodore, broad reaching to the jib mark.  MICHAEL MELLA

From left, Venetia Satow, Jim Merrell, Marty Knob, Scott Sandell, Gloria Maroti-Frazee and Nick Gazzolo, the newly elected BYC Commodore, broad reaching to the jib mark. MICHAEL MELLA

Michael Mella on Nov 29, 2023

On a chilly day that started below freezing on Sunday, a band of brave Breakwater Yacht Club frostbiters launched their rockets and sail-modified sunfish to brisk ESE winds that often gusted to 15 knots. After setting up the triangle course, the race committee skipper/photographer Michael Mella, ran a half dozen races while shooting between “active” duties. Clad from head to toe with drysuits that keep 50 degree bay water out, capsized skippers do not risk hypothermia, a deadly condition that could lead to incapacity and/or unconsciousness in as little as 15 minutes.

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