Thank you for leading the village trustee and mayoral debates [“Watch: Southampton Village 2023 Trustee and Mayoral Debates,”, June 1]. They brought out the best and worst of those in the arena.
I was struck by the underlying contempt Mayor Jesse Warren has for any and all differing views and the retribution that ensues. It begs the question of how he could present himself as a candidate with harassment charges and indemnification issues at hand, revealing his character as the great divider at every level, his colleagues, his staff, the village and the town.
He continues to ignore the decision of the Town Board not to support a sewage project in the middle of residential and agricultural areas. He was informed by Southampton Town’s attorney that they are not supporting this project financially or in granting zoning changes, and that the seller is unwilling. He chooses to ignore this and continues, true to form, to denigrate the size and nature of his opposition.
His overblown sense of importance tells him he can roll over anyone. He painted a pretty picture of a lovely landscaped barn-like structure without describing how this dirty project will be accessed, and egressed, carrying truckloads of sludge with unknown periodicity through our streets.
His heels are dug in and he will not entertain any other considered site. It’s his way or the highway.
It is evident at many levels that he evidences bully behavior and is not the leader that the village deserves.
He does not deserve you endorsement.
Catherine Littlefield